Posts tagged “Reviews

Fotodiox 55mm Filter Thread Lens, Macro Reverse Ring Camera Mount Adapter – My opinion

Its been a really long time since I wrote on my blog. Actually wanted to write something useful for myself and everyone. This is about my new purchase- a macro reverse ring adapter. I always wish there is always a review written about every camera. Most of the users prefer Nikon or Canon these days and there are humpty reviews available for its accessories. Mine is a Sony a230. I really find it difficult to get accessories because of its own limitation. So research is a must.

When I first learn about the reverse macro lens adapter, I wanted to try it immediately. As usual I have to do my research study before buying a reverse macro ring and purchased the Fotodix 55mm Macro reverse ring adapter. All the procedure, do and donts when using a reverse ring adapter is given clearly in this link below

 For just $11, its a very good deal for shooting the macro shots than buying the expensive lenses. But one thing that has to be always remembered , is the use of exposing the unexposed side of the lens. I am more worried about that part. On a self not, not to panic, remember to cover witha  lens cap immediately after every use. But looking at the pictures, I think its worth the try.

Few things that has to be kept into consideration.

  1. The camera settings should always in manual mode.
  2. Please remove the filters and then reverse the lens.
  3. Make sure to clean the lens after every use and the lens is maintained very carefully.
  4. With flash  on is always good but on a really sunny day, I guess without flash too works well.

Few things I learnt while using this adapter

  1. In a day light, the details are much clearly focused.
  2. The depth of field is interestly stupendous. The details are awesome and I can’t wait for spring flowers.

For pics please visit my Macro album.

Overall, its worth the try

Now picture comparison:

The first two pictures are with reverse ring and the third picture is without a reverse ring (with a 4X Macro lens).

Among the first two pictures

Pic 1 is without flash

Pic 2 is with flash